Q: How often do I need to have carpet cleaning service in Arlington, VA?

Getting your carpet cleaned professionally and finding the right carpet cleaner in Arlington VA can be a little bit challenging, with so many options in the market, homeowners sometimes struggle to find a professional carpet cleaning company that can do the job properly, in order for homeowners in Arlington to get the best result, we at George Ayoub carpet and rug care recommend that homeowners evaluate the kind of carpet cleaner they need.

Below are some things to help you determine when to schedule your carpet cleaning service in Arlington:

First, determine which part of the carpet in the house that needs to be cleaned and whether you need to clean the carpets throughout the house or part of it. Larger homes can cost more, hiring professional carpet cleaner can save you money because they can help you decide which parts that should be cleaned.

Second, evaluate the traffic inside the house, areas with more traffic are usually dirtier and need more care, more often. Regular carpet cleaning can extend the life of the carpet in those areas, at George Ayoub Carpet we always recommend that homeowners should have the carpets cleaned at least once or twice a year.

Third, homeowners who have pets at home need to get carpet cleaning more than those who do not have pets, the most common problem pet owners would encounter is coat shedding. Pet hairs can get be easily stick in the carpet fibers and that requires regular cleaning.

Another thing to consider is if you have someone in the house with asthma, allergies or other respiratory diseases would require the carpets to be cleaned more often because dust particles that pile up in the carpet can make the asthma and allergies worse.

Budget is another factor that can determine when to have the carpet cleaned. Homeowners who can afford regular carpet cleaning service in Arlington, VA might consider having their carpet cleaned twice a year to extend the life of their carpets

Finally, when you decide to hire a professional carpet cleaning company in Arlington, VA, make sure that you do your homework first and conduct a careful research before you hire.

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